Apply for Canada Permanent Residency Program for Essential Workers – Canada Permanent Resident Visa

You can now apply for Canada permanent residency program for essential workers and international graduates if you are dreaming to become a Canadian permanent resident as over 200,000 people become Canadian permanent residents every year through the Canada Permanent Resident visa program.

Most applicants want to obtain Canadian permanent residency so that they can eventually obtain citizenship and a Canadian passport. These special public policies will grant Canada permanent status to temporary workers and international graduates who are already in Canada and who possess the skills and experience we need to fight the pandemic and accelerate our economic recovery.

There are many different Canadian immigration programs under which a person can apply to become a Canada permanent resident.

Categories for foreigners who have the following include:

  • Family members in Canada
  • A job offer from a Canadian employer
  • Skills and work experience that are in demand in Canada
  • The intention to make a guaranteed investment with a Canadian bank
  • The intention to start or invest in a business in Canada
  • A skill or trade which they intend to practice as a self-employed individual

Once an application is submitted and approved and the foreign national obtains their Canada permanent resident visa, they can immigrate to Canada and will have many of the same rights as Canadian citizens.

Before You Apply for Canada Permanent Residency Program

Note: The Provincial Nominee Class (PNC)

Canada encourages applications for permanent residence from people with abilities, education, and work experience that will contribute to the Canadian economy.

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The Provincial Nominee Class (PNC) allows provincial and territorial governments to choose immigrants according to the economic needs of the province or territory. Each province and territory:

  1. Establishes its own standards and processes by which it chooses its nominees,
  2. Tries to nominate those candidates who would be most likely to settle effectively into the
  3. The economic and social life of the region.

You must apply to the PNC in two (2) steps:

  1. You must first apply to the province or territory where you want to live and be nominated, and
  2. After a province or territory nominates you, you must apply to IRCC for permanent residence. An IRCC officer will then assess your application based on Canadian immigration rules.

It is expected that this announcement about the Canada Permanent Resident Visa card application will help achieve the Immigration Levels Plan, which will see Canada welcome 401,000 new permanent residents.

Canada Permanent Residency Program Eligibility

  • To be eligible, workers must have at least 1 year of Canadian work experience in a healthcare profession or another pre-approved essential occupation.
  • International graduates must have completed an eligible Canadian post-secondary program within the last 4 years and no earlier than January 2017.
  • A detailed explanation of all eligibility requirements is available within the public policies.

Canada Permanent Residency Program Application Streams

Effective May 6, 2021, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will begin accepting applications under the following 3 streams:

  • 20,000 applications for temporary workers in health care
  • 30,000 applications for temporary workers in other selected essential occupations
  • 40,000 applications for international students who graduated from a Canadian institution

Canadian Permanent Residence Application Deadline:

The streams will remain open until November 5, 2021, or until they have reached their limit. Up to 90,000 new permanent residents will be admitted under these 3 streams.

In order to fulfill the residency obligation, a Canada permanent resident must have spent 730 days within the last five years doing one of the following:

  • Residing and remaining in Canada
  • Accompanying their Canadian citizen spouse abroad
  • Working abroad for a Canadian company

To see if you qualify for a Canada permanent resident visa, fill out our assessment form. You can also learn how to apply for US visa here

Canadian Permanent Residence Visa Application Contacts

Contacts for media only

  • Alex Cohen
  • Minister’s Office
  • Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Media Relations

  • Communications Branch
  • Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
  • 613-952-1650

Visit the official website for details