Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships for Developing Countries UK

If you are from a developing country and you want to study based on scholarships then this ongoing Commonwealth distance learning Scholarships for Developing Countries is purely designed to meet up with your academic needs this session.

Commomwealth Distance Learning Scholarships for Developing Countries

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships are for candidates from least developed, low, and lower-middle-income Commonwealth countries, for part-time Master’s study by distance learning on selected courses offered by UK universities. These scholarships are funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.

These scholarships are funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), with the aim of contributing to the UK’s international development aims and wider overseas interests, supporting excellence in UK higher education, and sustaining the principles of the Commonwealth.

2021 Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships for Developing Countries Themes

These commonwealth scholarships are offered under six themes:

  • Science and technology for development
  • Strengthening health systems and capacity
  • Promoting global prosperity
  • Strengthening global peace, security, and governance
  • Strengthening resilience and response to crises
  • Access, inclusion, and opportunity

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships 2021/2022 Eligibility Criteria

The Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships for developing countries applications are considered according to the following selection criteria.

  • Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person
  • Be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country
  • Hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) standard. A lower qualification and sufficient relevant experience may be considered in certain cases
  • All candidates must provide at least one reference.
  • All candidates must hold an offer to start their chosen course of study in 2021/2022

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships may not be held concurrently for more than one course. If selected for a scholarship, candidates must be residents and remain in a developing Commonwealth country and must not undertake study towards any other qualification for the duration of their award.

Eligible Commonwealth Scholarships 2021/2022 Countries

Nationals of Commonwealth Developing Countries:

Bangladesh, Cameroon, Eswatini, The Gambia, Ghana, Guyana, India, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Zambia

Commomwealth Scholarship Value/inclusions:

The scholarships provide full tuition fees and all other compulsory costs of studying a UK Master’s course by distance learning. This includes the full cost of any residential components of a course. Funding is available for up to five academic years from the start of an approved programme. Awards cannot be extended or renewed.

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All Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships applications must adhere to the CSC’s overall funding cap of £18,000 per scholarship. This figure must cover all elements of the award, including tuition fees, grants to recipients, applicable partnership development costs, and any UK residential programmes.

If the actual costs of delivering the course are higher than £18,000, the university must clearly identify the source of top-up funding in its application. Funding is available for five years from the start of an approved programme.

How to Apply for Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships 2021/2022

Applications for 2021 are likely to open to candidates in mid-February 2021 with a likely final closing date of March 2021. The university must nominate its chosen candidates within four weeks of the CSC’s final closing date for applications.

If you have any questions about Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships or the application process, please contact the CSC Secretariat at on 020 7380 6716. Selected universities are required to conduct their own recruitment process to nominate a specified number of candidates for Distance Learning Scholarships to the CSC. The selection committee selects Scholars from these shortlists of nominated candidates in July 2021

You must apply to study an eligible Master’s course at a UK university that is participating in the Distance Learning scheme. You must also secure admission to your course in addition to applying for a Distance Learning Scholarship. You must check with your chosen university for their specific advice on when to apply, admission requirements, and rules for applying.

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It is important to read the Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships 2021/2022 Terms and Conditions and visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for a Commonwealth distance learning scholarship. All inquiries about these scholarships should be directed to the university to which you wish to apply.

Visit to apply for the scholarship online