How to Get Canada Permanent Residency Visa – Permanent Canada Visas

If relocating to Canada is your lifelong aspiration, then you’ll be highly joyous to learn that Canada has one of the most workable and easy immigration policies in the world. And recently, getting PR has been made a little easier, so here you will learn how to get Canada Permanent residency visa with ease.

The Canadian government aims to receive more than 200,000 fresh immigrants worldwide annually. This makes Canada the most attainable country for freshers to move to and obtain a Canadian permanent residency.

Why is Canada the most suitable option for prospective Immigrants?

Canada is a well-developed, first-world country with a strong economy and a great level of developmental infrastructure.

Canada is a country that cares about its people. There are numerous government social assistance programs. The federal and provincial governments provide free health care and education programs through the 12th grade. In addition, Canada is the most educated country in the world: more than half of its residents have a degree. Therefore, considering these valuable qualities, several applicants apply for permanent residency to settle in Canada.

It has the 16th highest nominal per capita income in the world and the 12th highest on the Human Development Index (HI).

Its advanced economy is the 10th largest economy in the world and solely depends on its vast natural resources and developed international trade networks.

Who is a Canadian Permanent Resident?

The Canadian government grants permanent resident status. A Canada permanent resident person automatically obtains all the rights bestowed to all Canadian citizens.

Kindly note: A foreign worker or an international student residing in Canada is not a permanent resident.

Foreign workers do not have the privileges and rights of permanent residents. There are many Canadian immigration programs through which applicants can apply and obtain permanent residency. To obtain residency status, an immigrant must submit an application to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

After five years of residency in Canada, Permanent Resident Card allows the immigrant to apply for Canadian citizenship.

Kindly NOTE: Before applying for permanent residency in Canada, make sure you have all the eligible documents issued by the Canadian government.

The Canadian Immigration Scheme:

If you wish to immigrate to Canada and obtain a permanent resident visa, there are many immigration plans that have their own criteria and requirements for immigration:

  1. Express Entry Program
  2. Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP)
  3. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP) e.t.c

Kindly Note: To obtain a Green Card, preference depends on the total number of points you earn based on your profile criteria, i.e. Age, language skills, education, work experience, and other factors.

What are the Different Canadian Immigration Permanent resident Programs?

There are several immigration programs or visa categories available under which you can apply for Canada’s permanent resident visa, which are listed below:

  • Founder visa (for applicants who have a business idea and need someone to finance it)
  • Quebec Skilled Worker Program for Investors,
  • Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed (QSWP)
  • Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
  • Skilled Immigrant Program (Express Entry)
  • Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program (FST)
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC) )

What eligible documents are necessary to apply for various Permanent Residency visas in Canada?

Eligible documents necessary to apply for various PR visas in Canada are listed below:

  • Original copies and officially translated documents supporting the application.
  • Proof of age, e.g. B. Birth certificate.
  • Working documents: job offer, letters of reference, payslips.
  • Medical certificate and police permit.
  • Travel Document – ​​Your Passport
  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System) – to provide language test results
  • ECA (Assessment of Educational Credentials) – when applying through the Federal Skilled Worker Program.
  • Sufficient funds to support your application. (Proof of financing)
  • Educational degrees or certificates, diplomas, sponsorship certificates.

Canadian Permanent Residency Visa Processing duration?

The processing duration to get a Canadian permanent resident visa differs depending on the immigration program you are applying for. The selection and approval of your visa application depend on your comprehensive classification system (CRS) Punctuation. As soon as you receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence, the further processing time is usually 4-6 months.

How are Canadian permanent residency visa points calculated?

In the Canadian immigration points system, you earn points based on your profile details. Your points depend on several factors, including age, education, work experience, Canadian work experience, and language proficiency. The total number of points you earn determines your eligibility for various immigration programs. If your profile qualifies for a particular immigration program, you may receive an invitation to apply for permanent residency in Canada and ultimately become a Canadian resident.

You can calculate your CRS Score in advance using the CRS Calculator by providing all the required details.

Benefits of Obtaining Canadian Permanent Residency:

  1. You are protected by Canadian law
  2. You can get health care and most other benefits available to Canadian citizens
  3. Free education for children and benefits for the whole family
  4. Accessibility to the USA
  5. A residence visa gives you a study permit and a work permit.
  6. So you can work anywhere in Canada with a work permit.
  7. You can apply for Canadian citizenship (once you are eligible) Family and Social Security benefits

Things a permanent resident of Canada are not allowed to do:

  • He is not permitted to take a job that requires a high-level security clearance.
  • Vote or be prohibited from holding political office.

If permanent residency in Canada is your lifelong dream, then we hope that the necessary information about how to get Canada Permanent residency visa with ease above can help you become a permanent resident, live and achieve your dreams in Canada! GOOD LUCK