VISTA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021-2022 at York University in Canada

The York University is inviting applications for VISTA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021-2022. The VISTA fellowship will provide financial support to high-caliber scholars doing postdoctoral research that is aligned with the VISTA program under the supervision of a VISTA core member.

Vision: Science to Applications (VISTA) is a collaborative research program funded by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF, 2016-2023) that builds on York’s world-class interdisciplinary research in biological and computer vision.

The candidate should have a very good command of the English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

VISTA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021-2022  Description:

  • Application Deadline: April 16 and September 7
  • Course Level: Fellowships are available for pursuing a postdoctoral programme.
  • Study Subject: Fellowships Science to Applications (VISTA).

VISTA Fellowships 2021-2022 Award Details

VISTA Postdoctoral Fellowship

Minimum $55,000/year for up to 2 years
+ Annual research allowance $7,500
+ Annual networking allowance $1,000

Spring: Friday, April 23rd, 2021

Fall: Friday, September 17th, 2021

VISTA Distinguished PostDoc Fellowship

Minimum $70,000/year for up to 2 years
+ Annual research allowance $7,500
+ Annual networking allowance $1,000

Spring: Friday, April 23rd, 2021

Fall: Friday, September, 17th 2021

RELATED: ABSA Fellowship Programme 2021/2022 For African Undergraduate Students

VISTA Postdoc Fellowship in Canada 2021 Eligibility:

  • Eligible Countries: Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply for 2021 VISTA Postdoctoral Fellowships at York University in Canada.
  • Entrance Requirements: To be eligible to apply for the VISTA Postdoc fellowship awards:
  • Your VISTA distinguished Postdoc fellowship application must be supported by a VISTA Core Member who would become your supervisor.
  • VISTA Associate Members are eligible as co-supervisors with a VISTA Core Member;
  • You must hold a doctorate in an area that falls within the VISTA mandate;
  • A Ph.D. or equivalent degree must be completed by the start date;
  • Postdoctoral Fellows who hold an external award (e.g. NSERC) at York, and who have not previously held a
  • VISTA Postdoctoral Award, are eligible to apply for a one-year extension from VISTA during the final year of their award;
  • Postdoctoral candidates who are employed at York University under the category of ‘Postdoctoral Visitor’ are only eligible to apply to VISTA during their first 6 months of employment (or until the first available
  • VISTA Postdoctoral Award application deadline, whichever comes first);
  • VISTA Postdoctoral Fellowship or Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship applicants may NOT apply to work within the same research environment (i.e. institution or supervisor) where they completed their Ph.D.
  • You must accept an offer with a start date:
  • April applicants: No earlier than July 1 and no later than December 1
  • September applicants: No earlier than December 1 and no later than July 1
  • You must conduct research in the vision sciences that is aligned with the VISTA program.
  • English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of the English language.
  • Therefore, the VISTA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021-2022 at York University application should be written in English.

VISTA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021-2022 Application Procedure

  • Apply to the VISTA Postdoctoral Fellowship competition;
  • Applicants for the VISTA Postdoctoral Fellowship may be considered for the Distinguished Postdoctoral
  • Fellowship with the inclusion of additional documentation as outlined below;
  • Identify and confirm a VISTA Core Member as your supervisor. VISTA Associate Members are eligible as co-supervisors with a Core Member;

2021 VISTA Postdoctoral Fellowship Application

  1. To create an application, please complete:
  2. Application form
  3. Voluntary Self-Identification Survey
  4. A one-page summary of the proposed research
  5. Postdoctoral Supervision Form
  6. Postdoctoral Co-supervision Form (If applicable)
  7. Curriculum Vitae
  8. Two Letters of Reference. Note that letters should come from Referees that do NOT include the proposed supervisor.
  9. The proposed supervisor may opt to submit a letter of reference in addition to the two required for the application.

VISTA Distinguished Postdoc Fellowship 2021-2022 Materials

  1. Applicants to the Distinguished award should also include a letter of support from the Proposed
  2. Supervisor. This is in addition to the materials outlined above.
  3. To view instructions, select instructions
  4. Use the application checklist to ensure your package is complete
  5. Email the application
  6. Letters of Reference should be sent directly from the Referee via email.

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